Want to add lyrics to your video? Our free lyric video maker is the perfect solution
Easily create and download a music video online using our free lyric video maker. You don’t need to have a ready-made video to use our lyric video maker, just choose from our vast library of footage. Making a music video has never been so simple.
Choose from our selection of text animations to style your lyrics any way you like. You can adjust the font, size, color, and position of the subtitles and crop your video as you wish. If you’re looking to create a video featuring your favorite lyrics, we make it easy!
We have over 4,000 customizable video templates for you to choose from when creating your lyric video. We’ve also partnered with Getty Images to add another 100M premium HD videos and photos for you to use.
When uploading your own videos to our online lyric maker, you don’t have to think twice about which format they are in – our music video maker accepts them all!
Compile your music, footage, and lyrics in one go. Store your projects online and work from anywhere! Learn how to make a lyric video in no time.
Upload your music to our lyrics video maker. The audio you choose can be an MP3 file or music video. Next, upload your footage or choose videos from our royalty-free library.
Use our easy subtitle tool to add text to the correct position in your video. You can style your text any way you like with our online music video editor.
Your project is now ready to download and share – thanks to our simple, yet amazing, lyric video maker!
Attract your audience with a video showcasing your lyrics. Videos with subtitles are proven to get longer view times and even if they’re sound is turned off, and with our outstanding text animation designs making your video stand out will be a breeze.
With our free lyric video maker, you can take advantage of amazing video effects to spice up your video. Think of Boostcreatives.ai as your own professional videographer…but we don’t charge you and we’re always on call.
Lyric videos get views! The words of a song are not always clear, and when they are, people want to memorize them! Give your audience the simplicity they deserve with our lyric video creator.
At Boostcreatives.ai, we make it super easy. Our free lyric video creator allows you to upload your music and paste in your lyrics with just a few clicks.
Create as many lyric videos as you want. There are no limits on quantity.
Easy – use our lyric video creator straight from your browser. Upload a video, Choose your music or upload your own materials, And paste your video lyrics in the captions with just a few clicks.
If you’re looking for an online lyric video maker, you’ve come to the right place. However, there’s so much more to create on Boostcreatives.ai. Explore our collection of online tools and start creating better videos today.
Create a standout video for your company or business in minutes. Choose videos, images, and music from our premium stock library or upload your own for a professional and impactful result.
Add audio tracks to your video in no time using Promo’s online video editor. It's easy, free and completely online. Upload your own music or choose one from our audio library, pre-approved for all social media platforms.
Create birthday memories that will last forever with Boostcreatives.ai's easy-to-use happy birthday video maker. A unique and special way to celebrate someone's special day.
Promo's video meme generator will help you create the funniest video memes in minutes. Use your own images or choose from our vast library. Add your choice of text and you are ready to be viral.